Research finds that men who wear suits view the world differently. According to Abraham Rutchick, Professor of Psychology at California State University, wearing a suit encouraged people to use abstract processing more than concrete processing. This means their thought process was more broad and all-inclusive as opposed to narrow and restrictive. He argues that putting on formal clothes makes us feel powerful, and that changes the way we see the world.
The above research confirms that indeed looking good and dressing smart is beneficial. However, most men do not find it easy to dress smart. It is for this reason, celebrities and men with means have enlisted the services of professional stylists and wardrobe managers to take care of their clothing and physical appearance. Regular guys (you and me) with no capacity to hire professional stylist face a huge challenge when building our wardrobes (however basic it may be). We therefore need to do more research, experiment a lot and borrow from the fashion influencers.
Being able to effortlessly dress smart is a rough journey that involves a lot of misses, experiments and lessons to be learned. For any man who desires to achieve GQ approved level of smartness, they must be ready, committed and patient enough to walk the journey. Each gentleman deserves an optimum wardrobe filled with pieces of menswear they often wear (low cost per wear). Cost per wear is the ratio between the cost of your entire wardrobe over the clothes you wear often. It is very likely to realize that 80% of the clothes in your wardrobe never make it to your body, an indication that you buy clothes that you not need or the clothes are not appropriate for your body and lifestyle.
The major cause of high cost per wear wardrobe is impulse buying. Impulse buying is highly influenced by emotions and trends where you grab items that you have seen elsewhere to satisfy the desire of looking the part ( and therefore beat the fear of missing out on the trend). The other is reason is when you keep buying items that are not versatile enough to match and mix with others in the wardrobe. Also lack of knowledge on what clothes work well for your body and your lifestyle can negatively influences the pieces of menswear you invest in. To avoid this, always ensure you equip yourself with good knowledge of the best pieces of menswear that works for you especially your skin tone, body physique and lifestyle. Also it is important to equip your wardrobe with anchor pieces of menswear that are versatile such that it will be easy for you to dress smart even when you are in a hurry. Always avoid following trends before you are sure they are right for you.
In response to the challenges that regular guys (you and me) face when shopping for magnificent menswear, Naiwear is ready to offer you a pleasant shopping experience and necessary knowledge base (blogs). This is to make it reasonably easy for you to identify, buy and style clothes according to your body and lifestyle. Naiwear wants you to buy what you need, what you'll love to wear and what works for you. Naiwear wants to kill impulse buying and bring to an end the act of filling your wardrobe with clothes you do not need ( and you may never wear).
For those who know what they need and works for them, Naiwear will strive to identify, source and stock exclusive menswear to meet your needs (we may also design and manufacture where necessary). For those who are the "kurutus" (beginers) in the journey of dressing gq approved smartness and do not know where to begin, Naiwear blog section is there for you. With our guides, fashion news and "how-to-style" blogs, you will find all you need to start. Stay tuned and you will get updated and knwolegeable to hack menswear.